Wednesday, May 16, 2012

~ LoVe Is A vErB ~

"Give your hands to LOVE and your hearts to SERVE"
 -Mother Teresa (emphasis added)

Women's Bible Study

Picture from women's bible study a while back...

Alyssa, Lia & I take turns leading a Kriol women's bible study, for any women in the village who wish to attend, every Sunday afternoon from 4-6pm


"How can you love God whom you do not see, if you do not love your neighbor whom you see, whom you touch, with whom you live? And so it is very important for us to realize that love, to be true, has to hurt. "
 - Mother Teresa

 As Mother Teresa said, I have also I've found to be so true. The last two months I have begun to identify the shift in perspective. I'm unsure if this is the shift from a history of very short term missions or more relationship based focused assignments, but God has certainly been at work in this. It’s one thing to be sad or shaken over someone else’s tough situation, but it's another thing to sit and suffer with your friends here when they receive a grave medical diagnoses, anguish over a chronically ill child, or live with abusive spouse. These things are no long longer sad problems of the third world, but daily the daily sufferings of your best friends. Recently one of my friend was enduring a really emotionally and physically bad situation in her home and I was distraught. My heart hurt for her. I didn’t sleep well. For a short time I tried to figure out how to love and support her without experiencing all the pain myself. I was afraid of perhaps “burning out” with so many people to love and so much suffering all around, or perhaps not knowing how to handle the grief myself. However, I have been reminded that we serve a God who loves to fill us up. He is our strength in weakness. Our ever present help. So, I am here in Catel. A nurse, a woman, a missionary, and most of all a friend here to love the people God is putting in my life, even when it hurts.


I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love.”
-Mother Teresa

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