Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Dynamic Duo

Sadja & Adromani

Sadja (left) was a good friend of Andre's and Annette's long before we got here. He's a hilarious, smart, fun loving 13year old son of our village Chief. Sadja is infamous for the riddles he loves to tell which always involve something about a man’s child which is never actually a child but more so a metaphor for something. Needless to say, I never understand his riddles, but its hilarious when he tells them! Sadja is a bright kid who seeks truth and wisdom and dreams of serving his people as a physician one day. We just love hanging out with this little guy. He actually spends M-F in another village to go to school but we always look forward to him coming home on the weekends!

Adromani (right) is Sadja's older brother. These 2 are an awesome duo that God is really going to work through to reach the people of Guinea-Bissau. Adromani is nearing his 22nd birthday and is a fantastic teacher, friend, leader, and man after God's own heart! He spent his adolescent years attending school in Bissau (the capital) and is a youth leader at His church there. He also blesses our congregation here in Catel with His musical gifts of guitar, piano, and singing and helps to lead the children's worship Saturday evenings. Adromani has also recently become my new language tutor and is doing a fantastic job with that as well!

I'm so thankful for the work that God is doing in both Sadja and Adromani's lives and for the passion they have to live a life transformed by His will. I consider myself blessed to fellowship with them and I pray that God will continue to bless them with strength, courage, and hope to withstand the persecution of their friends and loved ones.

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